If you require a blank template file for a custom ceramic poker chip, clay poker chip, custom poker chip case, or custom playing card please Contact Us. Our sales team will promptly provide the correct template for your project.
The total printable (white diameter) area for Clay Poker Chips with 8-Stripe or Solid Edge predetermined borders is 1.3091 inches. Please keep any text or important graphics within the central 1.2165-inch diameter safety area. It is recommended that all artwork is output at 300 dpi or more.
All round Custom Ceramic Poker Chips should be designed at 2.5" diameter and a minimum of 300 dpi if possible. Please keep any text or important graphics within the central 2.35" inch diameter safety area. The edge is also fully customizable, please use the Edge Page in the design tool or Contact Us to request a particular edge template file.
If you have purchased a Professional Design Package, The Poker Depot design team will ensure your artwork meets the required dimensions for your product - but you may be asked to provide different file formats, output resolutions, or other items.